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To the editor: Toledo is at the top of the ECHL

Wednesday, April 11th
To the editor: Toledo is at the top of the ECHL

ECHL Commissioner Brian McKenna penned a Letter to the Editor, dedicated to Toledo Walleye fans, in the April 11 edition of The Blade.

As the Com­mis­sioner of the ECHL, we rec­og­nize some­thing spe­cial is hap­pen­ing in Toledo. Dur­ing my vis­its to your city, I have ex­pe­ri­enced first­hand the in­cred­i­ble Wall­eye fan­dom. It is elec­tric!

Con­grat­u­la­tions on a re­mark­able Toledo Wall­eye hockey sea­son! An in­cred­i­ble 28 out of 36 reg­u­lar sea­son sell outs, 7,578 av­er­age fans per game, 102 per­cent ca­pac­ity for Hun­ting­ton Center. The league has taken no­tice and cel­e­brates Toledo’s con­sis­tent level of achieve­ment.

Year af­ter year, Toledo con­tin­ues to raise the bar. The fer­vent sup­port of your FINat­ics sea­son ticket hold­ers, spon­sors, and group en­ter­tain­ment puts Toledo at the top of the league. Play­ers and coaches rec­og­nize the priv­i­lege of play­ing in front of a con­sis­tently sold out arena. Toledo fans give the Wall­eye true home ice ad­van­tage!

We saw this pas­sion and com­mit­ment dur­ing the first ECHL out­door hockey game with Win­ter­fest in 2014. Be­cause of your tre­men­dous com­mu­nity sup­port, the league is ex­cited for Toledo to host the next pre­mier event, the 2019 CCM-ECHL All-Star Week­end pre­sented by ProMed­ica.

Toledo has a long his­tory of be­ing a great hockey city and the ECHL looks for­ward to be­ing a part of Toledo’s bright fu­ture.

BRIAN MCKENNACom­mis­sioner of the ECHL

Click here for The Blade article.

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